Chapter One Critique

First chapters are critically important—this is where you’ll lock down or lose readers.

There’s nothing worse than getting 50,000 words into your manuscript only to find out that you made a terrible mistake and went the wrong way in chapter one. Don’t do that to yourself.

Get useful feedback immediately on your book concept, hook, audience, organization/pacing, voice, and writing habits (good and bad).

Head off any problems before your whole mms needs an editing facelift.

You’ll receive markup of your chapter, plus a report outlining:

  • Strengths of the work
  • Any problems of concept, structure, content, style, organization/pacing, and voice
  • Suggestions to create a blockbuster hook for your genre

The critique does NOT include:

  • Correcting spelling, punctuation, grammar, or syntax
  • Fixing errors in sentence structure or language use
  • Fact checking

All submissions must be accompanied by a synopsis (for fiction or memoir) or table of contents and chapter summaries (for nonfiction).

Starting prices for a Chapter One Critique are $375 for the first 25 pages (up to 6,250 words)… which may in fact include more than one chapter.

Are you ready to get started?

If you are interested in discussing a chapter one critique with Alexandra, complete the form below.

Photo credit: Your first chapter contains the seeds for the rest of your book. What are you planting? CC image “Break Away” courtesy of Charlie Wales. Some rights reserved.